Are you parents starting to forget things? Is it more difficult for them to perform tasks? Is something about them starting to change? Are worrisome symptoms beginning to appear and the situation is no longer as it was before? Coping with cognitive decline is incredibly difficult for both you and your loved ones. Dementia and other similar diseases require understanding, acceptance and a great deal of patience of us.
Now, more than ever before, your loved ones need you to act as their anchor, they need you to support them and provide them with the attention that is essential for them.
At MATAN, we enable you to take part in a unique project that offers a solution for patients with cognitive decline. The project combines this adaptive activity with the ongoing dedicated care provided by the caregiver and offers support and a sympathetic ear to the family members, as well as personal attention, recommendations, information and guidance.
The project is designed for caregivers of elderly people who are diagnosed with dementia, or those who experience great loneliness. It’s designed to preserve the existing cognitive state and to slow down the process of deterioration – “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
As part of this project, we focus on the development of cognitive and social skills. The work is conducted in order to preserve concentration, strengthen spatial perception, fine and gross motor skills, improve language skills, evoke memories, empower and foster a sense of success.
Thanks to these collaborative efforts and creating a personal plan for each patient, we succeed in making a real change in his or her life. Based on many years of experience, we have seen how the project is enthusiastically received, making patients happy and encouraging them to take part in fields in which they had stopped partaking.
At MATAN Advanced Health and Nursing Services, we believe that cooperation between all of elderly patient’s support systems is the key to success.
* בהתאם לשיקול דעתה של החברה